Friday, November 2, 2007

Clearing the Throat

A really bad movie makes you realize how easy it is to allow your life to amount to absolutely nothing. I am talking a movie that has absolutely no redeeming value other than to distract you from your ordinary day. To distract you from the fact that your ordinary day is ordinary because in the time that you could take to make your life extraordinary, you happen to be watching this movie. This movie that is mind-numbing. This movie that is a sedative. This movie that is Lara Craft Tombraider Search for the the Somethingorotherwhogivesafuck.

And yet I cannot turn it off. It is on as I write this. Angelina Jolie just jumped off of somewhere and shot someone in the head without looking because she is just that good at shooting people in the head. And there's that guy who is in 300 but he is like 30 pounds smaller and 30 times less badass -- Spartans! Tonight you dine in Hell!. It is on because it is not only a distraction, it is also an ambassador. Not Lara Croft per se (although with Miss Angelina "UN" Jolie...), but the television. Alone in my apartment with two loving but sleeping cats, I can reach my hand through the television and hold yours, the other poor sap who has been sucked in to watching the Tomb Raider jump through break away glass as thousands of bullets whiz by her pretty head. Our silent lazy go-between. I am communicating with the other people watching AMC at 8:40 on a Friday night. I am saying the same thing they are saying: I had a busy week. I want to unwind with something mindless.

But I don't.

Time to turn the TV off...or at least pause it. Thank you TIVO.

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